Friday, August 28, 2020

Promoting to grow papaya/Carlos Pueblo


Promoting to grow papaya/Carlos Pueblo

My neighbors grow the papaya on their yard with green fruits hanging on the stem which are good looking especially when it is ripe with the golden color. I dump everything left after cutting the fruit to an old iron barrel full of soil and water it every day. Now, I have many young papaya plants five inches tall. I decide to promote some other neighbors to grow the papaya. I dig them up and pack up four boxes of plants to make my delivery. Two of them have previous growing papaya experience while two of them have eaten the fruit yet never seen the tree. It is not easy to grow the tree in Houston because that we must protect the root during the frozen winter. It  is a multiple years tree which can last for many years in the tropical weather area like Hawaii or Taiwan, etc.

I have had a find memory of growing the papaya in my childhood. On our labor class at the 5th grade, we helped our teacher to transplant the papaya sprout into an empty ground by the swimming pool. I have built up my interest to look at the tree wherever I travel around the world. I have done it before when I live at the old house with some harvest. The cost is nothing if we don’t consider how well of the fruit should be. First, they must pass this coming winter and see the fruit next year during the fall and after.

Of course, we can purchase the fruit from any of the super market to eat, yet observing the tree be derived from the see to a tree and bearing fruits is wonderful.

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