Sunday, August 30, 2020

My prediction of the 2020 U.S. election/Carlos Pueblo


My prediction of the 2020 U.S. election/Carlos Pueblo

The 2020 US election is only 64 days away and I predict that the Democrat will sweep the House, the Senate, and the White House. It is all because of these four years of Donald Trump. Can anyone tell me what has been happened in this administration except an executive lead of legislation of the tax cut? The small tax cut may be benefited to a few rich; however, their overall portfolios are depreciated and less safe than before. Who are going to be the back bone of our tax revenue? Almost 50% of the American is not paying the federal income tax and now the rich and the corporate are paying less, plus I don’t see the rosy scenery of the U.S. economic, yet the national debt is ballooning. Even some of the conservative Republican are shaking their head, by the way, where is the Tea Party?

He breaks the law all the time, before the White House and in the White House. He thinks that he is above the law. There are many law suits and prosecutions waiting for him when he leaves the White House in January next year. Democrats ran on impeaching him and won the House of Representative. Even my Republican district changes hand to the Democrat and her only campaign issue is to impeach him. The House did impeach him yet fell in the Republican control Senate. In November, Democrats will keep the House and also take over the Senate. Without it, the U.S. will not have any progress at all and still wasting time even if the Democrat takes the White House.

Those voters like me who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 would never vote for Trump this time. She got more votes than him. I like to see how those voters in coal states, steel states, and agricultural states, etc. will vote this time. The U.S. has never been like his description of great again. Of course, I know that American has been great all the time. America is not great when you can’t find a job to earn a living to support yourself and your family. There are about 70 millions of American are not great any more. It is his mismanagement of the nation.

There is another great risk which he is taking now. He wants to create a war against China in order to take away everybody’s attention of his loosing election. I read Chinese and I know as well he knows. China is surrendering and Xi orders his military forces not to fire the first shot. Chinese is eager to talk whatever except no independent for Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, and the East Turkestan. It is too late for him to take the opportunity for the peace of the world.


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