Monday, May 18, 2020

A man is called an old taro fellow/Carlos Pueblo

A man is called an old taro fellow/Carlos Pueblo

During this Chinese Wuhan Novel Corona Virus Pandemic, we have set a new pasta Saturday to make steam dumplings and buns for Arthur and ourselves. I am the one making the dough to be ready for Amy to finish the product. I am like a man called the old taro fellow in Taiwan. Taro is a root which we eat often in Taiwan as well as in the United States. Texas, Hawaii, and Florida are three major states grow taros. At Kawaii Island, Hawaii, I saw a taro field like the fantasy paradise of the peach blooming garden of the Chinese Classic. In 1949, Chiang Kai-sek brought in about a million collapsed Nationalist Army to Taiwan from China. His regime assigned those literate Chinese refugee to the governmental positions or to serve at all level of schools while fewer space available for the illiteracy. They were forced to run their own proprietorship shops to sell Chinese pasta on the illegal streets ends to earn their living in Taiwan. I don't know the reason why we call them the old taro fellow yet we do call ourselves the sweet potato, due to the shape of the Island. They married the local woman and their children were called Taro Sweet Potato. Now, it is the third or the fourth generation of the taro sweet potato and are all called Taiwanese.

I was drafted to serve in the Nationalist Army for two years after my college at the frontier island of Quemoy off shore of Chinese Fuchien Province. The majority of the army division was original from the coastal area of Chinese San Dong province near Ching Dao City. These old taro fellows love Chinese pasta such as steaming buns in the morning or some noodles meals in the afternoon. I am very fond of Chinese pasta food even though I am a sweet potato eating rice all my life. I did learn how to make a dough for dumplings and buns. I like to watch the pasta making You Tube teaching yet most of those are required additional procedures. Suddenly, a man called the old taro fellow comes to my mind, as a matter of the fact, I have become myself of that man who does the house chore for a younger wife at home.

I can also make a beef soup noodle for Arthur's Sunday meal. I have done such chore for years usually started at noon. My product may not be as good as the restaurant; however, my son is very supportive and encouraging.

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