Monday, January 15, 2024

Live alone/Carlos Pueblo

 Live alone/Carlos Pueblo

Chinese scholar Confucius used to admit that he lived alone for a long time, such famous sentence has been last for more than  2,500 years. Lonely people always tease themselves with such sentence to express their no way out feeling at the old age. I have had the similar feeling myself, I don't even know how to get along with current day people. Two days ago, a hardwood layers demanded a $1,000 payment out front after their half a day work. I only had two hundred dollars in my wallet which was the extra cash from paying the interior painter. The bank was closed. 

The layer was hesitated and not ready to leave. Since I have lived alone for almost 24 years, I am back to my mood of argument. I told them, husband and wife proprietors that I was not informed to prepare such amount of cash ahead of the time and I didn't know if it was safe for me to give a half of labor cost to them after half a day of job. It is all a shake hand deal. Amy was embarrassed and comforted the contractor that I would pay on the next day or the day they would come back to work. I was very mean because that I had been alone for a while and also I was mad when I learned that Amy donated my three Afghan rugs long time ago. I can use these rugs for the new hardwood floor. I can dry them under the sunshine and dust off the mold. It is all too late.

I am much better off than Confucius because I have IRA, 401k, and annuity, etc. while he was in ancient divided China. There is no such pension system existed even in the current day China. I read some stories about Confucius's starving to death and I believe it. He mentioned that he relied his students to give him dry meat as tuition and he lost his tuition income when he was getting old and lived alone. I can imagine his misery. I also remember very well of his teaching that if you don't think far and plan ahead of the time, you would have an anxiety for the time being. I don't, my pension funds are doing well to support my live alone.

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