Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Taiwan after WWII(2)/Carlos Pueblo

Taiwan after WWII(2)/Carlos Pueblo 
Chiang Kai-sek's army was invited to rule Taiwan in 1945 after WWII. Nationalist Chinese always claim that Taiwan return to China after 50 years Japanese rule. As a matter of the fact that Taiwan was one of a few places which the Nationalist Chinese could actually controlled at that time with a firm help of the U.S. naval ships to move Chiang's army to Taiwan and Japanese 250,000 imperial forces orderly disbanded. Chinese Mainland began a very rapid civil war and the rebellion Communist Chinese quickly defeated Chiang's forces. Chiang's collapsed forces exile to Taiwan with a government called the Republic of China. Chiang's claimed himself a President of that Republic with a central government formed by some kinds of form established in China after the War in 1947. He had firmly controlled Taiwan with his military and successfully passed on to his eldest son when he died in 1975. His son lived up to 1989 as the ruler of Taiwan. We call it the Chiang's Dynasty, 1945-1989. A native Taiwanese took the succession in 1989 and he made it possible for Taiwanese voters to make the mandate for a democratic system and elected him as a new President of Taiwan. A native Taiwanese political party won a national election in 2008, Chen Shui-bien became the first leader of Taiwan to briefly took over the central government. In 1978, the U.S. severed the relationship with Taiwan. Taiwan has been moving on since. I credit it, the 17th world powerful economy, to the political system, hard working Taiwanese, and the support of the U.S. as well as many powerful nations and developing nations of 15. It is very interesting that Taiwan survives for all of these years. In the past several years, I have traveled around the world and I find that Taiwan is one of the best nations came out of a colony of the power nations. Now, Taiwan can help some poor nations in the world. Taiwan received some U.S. Aid like many in the world after the War, yet I can see Taiwan comes out self sufficient. I am just like Taiwan, my old home land, I come out alright as an individual and I am doing all right after all.

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