Sunday, December 19, 2021

Inflation 2021/Carlos Pueblo

 Inflation 2021/Carlos Pueblo

The inflation of 2021 is suddenly a topic to discuss nowadays. Is it a surprise? After the mass printing of the U.S. dollars to help the victim of the pandemics that I don't recall how many billions or trillions. Our U.S. dollars are diminished. We must pay the increasing import taxes posted on China 25% since last administration. The oil price is finally raising and we have to pay more to drive the vehicle. How to we deal with the inflation? I think that a regular saving will help. We must have a saving to balance our income and expanse.

I have been out of work since 2001 even though I do try to get back to work yet in vain. I do save my limited income to live in a frugal life style so as my family members. I always enjoy to tell my love of saving money. I don't like to spend money. All what I am doing now is filling up my gas tank once a month, buying beef weekly when it is on sale, and paying the necessary expanse to live in a house. The value of my retirement accounts are growing faster than the inflation rate if there is.

It is a strategy which we preach to the general public while we sale insurance and financial products, make hay while is sunshine. I like to go to foreign trips and I insist that the price must be right, i.e. I monitor the price to make a cruise trip and am still waiting for the right one or I shall forget it.

Some farmers like to have the inflation; therefore, they can make additional income. Of course, they have to face the cost of materials to grow the crops, yet it is a farm management that every farmer must learn like we must manage our money wisely.

Don't let the inflation bothers you if you like to be stress free. Work hard when we need it, save hard we must, and spend less as much as we can to fight the inflation. 

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