Monday, December 13, 2021

The joy of playing tennis at the old age 2/Carlos Pueblo

 The joy of playing tennis at the old age 2/Carlos Pueblo

In additional to my informing tennis partners to play tennis in the morning every day, I also have informed them a day before. We have built up our tennis routine for our senior life that is very good for our health and also the joy of playing tennis at the old age. The other day one of our regular advised me practice my ground stroke during a regular game when I am way ahead like forty love. I slice or spin the incoming ball instead of a ground stroke because that I have a better control of the ball yet slice ball is slow in speed and not good looking.

It is because that I don't have a proper training to make a proper stroke. I learned my tennis when I was a kid in Taiwan. We played Japanese tennis with a bamboo racket and a robber ball most identical to a regular western tennis; however, it was very difficult for me to convert my grid and hit to meet a new style of tennis. I adopt the slice technique and it works for me all the time. I don't run into good players because they don't like to play with me to mess up their good stroke yet I have enjoyed very much get along with not so good players most of my time especially when we play matches. I slice or spin the ball, love the ball, and wait till they make their unforced errors.

At the rally, I do dare to hit the ground stroke and I know that I can't control my ball within the base line. It is because that I don't have that top spin form involved, the arc swing to finish the 360 degree circle. My friend tells me that is fine because the old professionals before the 70's playing that way. There was no top spin involved. 

I try immediately and feel the pressure that I can't no longer control the game during a match. I hate to loose at a match. I like to win all the time that makes me very happy. I have to correct it right away and back to my slice lower and lower  to make a threat. A regular ground stroke form is still in my mind and I like to make such improvement to enjoy the tennis.

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