Thursday, June 24, 2021

Hot summer in Houston/Carlos Pueblo

 Hot summer in Houston/Carlos Pueblo

Houston summer is very hot and long. I am appreciated with the invention of the air conditioning , as a matter of fact that is why Texas is livable. I am also very happy that I don't have the luxury to work due to my age and lack of the practical professional training. All my concern in life is the severe weather. Every day I stop after my morning exercises and rest for the rest of my day such as taking two naps, watching the You Tube programs, and cooking.

We are invited to play some more tennis after we finish ours at around 8:30 am at out Village West court to Shelley's group at the Walnut Bend courts because two of them like to play every day and can't get four players some time. Patrick and I shall join with them to get additional hour in the start of summer heatway. I would jump into the swimming pool for five laps in order to cool down my boiling blood temperature.

The stock market is hot as well. Biden has his bi-partisan infrastructure deal made. The spending amount is cutting in half and no threat of raise income tax to the national rich individual and corporation. The conservative Republicans and two Democrats are satisfied. There is no reasons why not to have a summer rally. I am happy too that I can save more money this year with my saving of the traveling expenditure due to the Corona Virus Pandemic. I'll give away my money savings to the other three in the family for them to have a better use.

I am still watching Jen Psaki of the White House spoke person to handle the reporters' questions. In the way I shall not be out of touch of the world affairs of course mostly the domestic business. Biden likes to do something as an efficient President and the Republican are jealous and don't know what to do with it. I am OK with myself because I am idle after my morning activities because of the heat way. I stay inside and only combining trips of chores occasionally to buy water melons.

I watch Chinese cooking vlog on the You Tube. I watch Chinese butchers to sell pork meat which I have explained why I am interested in my blog several times. I am watching several vlogs about the rural livings in Viet Nam, China, and Inner Mongolia which fascinate me very much. I am so glad that I have made it in the United States.

Houston winter is also very cold too yet it is brief. I am already looking forward to the passing of the summer for the end of the year. I love to see the weather is cooling down and I can expect a new beginning of the year and perhaps I shall have another exciting year.

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