Saturday, May 8, 2021

Biden's vaccine patent wavier/Carlos Pueblo

 Biden's vaccine patent wavier/Carlos Pueblo

India Prime Minister asks Biden's to wave the vaccine patent for his country in order to control the Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus Pandemic. Biden approves the request and three current approved companies, Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson, have show no objection. I do see that German Chancellor Merkel's headline objection because a German firm help Pfizer to develop the successful vaccine which I have received two shots. I am very touched for the quick action from Biden, as a matter of the fact according to Jen Psaki, it is his champion promise. This is what Americans are that always come to help in case of humanity such as getting involved in both World War I and II, etc. I believe that Catherine Tai will discuss the details with the World Trade Organization and India how to transfer the patent and others to help India to produce the vaccine.

I have watched Pfizer's Boula spoke twice and admire him very much. He is a very intelligent and considerate person. He understands this is a noble decision. Pfizer will not lose any profit at all. There is a considerable amount of income from the vaccine in 2020 within his company annual total. People know and appreciate his company. Our life is getting a bit easier after we receive the shot. We all appreciate all companies jump into the development of vaccine to fight the pandemic. It is real and it is true that the U.S. will fight the human tragedy. This is why I adore and immigrate to this great nation.

This is not stupid and this is humanity. I believe that we are much better now after Biden comes to power than before. American are good in business and can get the money back in case there is a disadvantage after waving the vaccine patent. India can't sell the new produce back to the U.S. to make a profit and it is also only to waive this time for the time being. The virus is changing very fast and required developing continuously. I don't see any reporter to ask comment on Chinese and Russians help of vaccine distribution any longer. It is their propaganda. Very soon, the U.S. will wave the vaccine export and the rest of the world can receive the effective vaccine to fight the pandemic.

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