Sunday, May 23, 2021

After the rain/Carlos Pueblo

 After the rain/Carlos Pueblo

After the rain, it is the time to enjoy our yard. There is a small square footage of yard at our home full of trees and St. Augustine grass yet we still manage to grow some plants and flowers among them. We shall cut down a big tree with many branches which are frozen to death and ignore new branch shots out of the ground. Amy will let the luffa plants grown on two dead citrus trees on the back yard. She also splits several flowers into additional pots for the years. There are cook's cum and several others. I see jasmines are coming back alive.

All my amaryllis plants are doing very well. There are two kinds on our yards front and back. One bulk group are the orange color from our old Traviata house and another group are less than a year old, the ones that I spread the flake type of seeds last year. There are about 12 coming out and survive the frozen week in February. I am so happy that I invite the senora to witness my work to spread her seeds  and give her seven of my orange amaryllis which she doesn't have the color on her garden. I went to pick some more seeds from her and buried them on the ground and pots before the rain. I shall give some new and old plants to Michelle in Austin. She has a larger space on her yard and she has a better chance to see the blooming.

Our morning tennis games have been interrupted several days yet it is alright. I can let my right arm rest for a while. It is not the tennis elbow. It is from the hard work of carrying too many water buckets across the street to salvage the water from Paul's broken pipe. They used the electrical pump to water yards while I carried buckets back and forth liked my army draft days. That hurts my old arm and messes up my serve and overhead smash. Now I need to use a band to tie the joint area to avoid too much shaking, it works.

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