Saturday, September 26, 2020

Preparing to dig the bamboo shoot/Carlos Pueblo


Preparing to dig the bamboo shoot/Carlos Pueblo

The other morning I was accompanying my neighbor Kathy to check on several yards in the subdivision. She is on the selection of the yard of the month committee of the homeowner association board. She wants to look at a street on the out skirt of the neighborhood. We turned south at a corner on another busy street at another border and I found bamboo trees hanging up inside the tall fence. I decide to find the home owner to get the permission to dig the bamboo shoot. Picking something has become my hobbit now to spend too much of my time and refresh my childhood dream. I like bamboo shoot and its taste on the home cooking. I do locate the house with those bamboo trees.

I was born at a mountain township in the central of Taiwan with plenty of bamboos. It was a common dish on our table daily. My mother used to cook a pot of bamboo shoot with pig bones. After my ten years old, we moved to another township on the plain in the southwest of Taiwan. The bamboo shoot dishes became scarce due to the cost I assumed. Japanese eat bamboo shoot salad with the mayonnaise which is very impressing to me. Each time I run into a bamboo grove, I always think of digging the bamboo shoot. As a matter of fact, I do watch some programs about the bamboo trees management on the You tube.

I shall ask the owner when she passes by my house for walk. They may like to see what I am doing to dig the bamboo shoot. After she says OK, I shall prepare a flat stiff scraper as my tool. Amy likes me to get some bamboo sticks for her yard design next year.

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