Friday, January 4, 2019

Two China/Carlos Pueblo

Two China/Carlos Pueblo

On his New Year Resolution speech to Taiwanese, Xi insists Chinese
Propaganda, one China policy, that Taiwan is part of China and eventually
be united with China. Across the Formosan Straight, Taiwanese President
Tsai responds immediately that Taiwan is an independent Nation which
named, the Republic of China for the time being. Chinese Government
can’t rule Taiwan, i.e. tax like in China; therefore, there are two China
obviously. I am not satisfied with that official name in Taiwan and I am
very patient that I shall see that we get rid of that name one of these

This is a very definite national status openly discussed by a Taiwanese
President that helps to clarify Taiwan as a Nation in this world. The wishful
thinking of Chinese is that Taiwan is similar with Hong Kong that can be
manipulated by so called propaganda, one nation two systems. No body
likes to be under Chinese rule, i.e. people in Hong Kong, Tibetan, Eastern
Turks, Mongolian, and Manchurian etc. Chinese Nation has been awful and
backward ever since the beginning. Chinese rulers have never respect the
value of the world, i.e. human right and property ownership, etc.

Communist regimes three left in the world, Cuba, Vietnam, and China. They
don’t recognize personal ownership of property. When you purchase a
house to live for instance, you get a right to use it for 70 years. After that,
the land must return to the government and you may get a minimum
compensation of salvage value. I feel very uncomfortable as a homeowner

After Xi’s long talk, there is no ambiguous talking for the relation between
Taiwan and China. Chinese want to annex Taiwan for free and Taiwan like
to be an independent country.

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