Wednesday, January 19, 2022

As a seeder/Carlos Pueblo

 As a seeder/Carlos Pueblo

A loofa gourd sponge which I use on shower is fallen apart and I thought that I still had some in stock in the garage. Instead, I find two jars of seeds which I have gathered during the year. There are seeds from fruits and gourds we ate, loofas, papayas, watermelons, Korean melons, etc. Usually, I would have them rinsed and under sunshine before put them in a plastic bottle. I think that is the time for me to sow seeds even though it is still in the middle of winter. I had had a very successful 2021 to get seeds out of our back yard and some harvest for loofas and melons even north to Michelle's front yard in Austin, Texas.

I always have a dream of a small lot to grow water melons. I have passed my time to own a farm land yet, I still have a small back yard with two huge trees down with some sunshine nowadays. This is my third year beginning to view my seeds growing amaryllis and I am still looking forward to gather some more seeds from my neighbors. It takes about seven years to see them blooming and I don't mind it at all. As a matter of fact, there are more of our neighbors planting such flowers and I notice.

Once my melons are out, I must make some protection from squirrels. My neighbor Mark feeds them peanuts and corns; therefore, we also have both coming out from our yards including neighbors. Michelle's yard is much rich in compare with ours; therefore, she has cook's cum and melons coming out larger than ours. It is because that her subdivision is allowed to let leaves stayed on the ground forever.

It is a beginning of the year after the severe winter that everything is growing and green everywhere. It is another wonderful year to come.

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