Thursday, January 13, 2022

A different kind of inflation 2022/Carlos Pueblo

 A different kind of inflation 2022/Carlos Pueblo

It is a different kind of inflation 2022 after 2021 as well as annual diminished U. S. currency. I suspect that the U.S. Government intends to diminish the dollar in order to manage the huge national debt almost 9 trillion, $9,000,000,000,000, accumulated ever since 1776. Both 1987 and 2008 inflation were due to the money contract after two wars Viet Nam War as well as two Iraqi Wars. The U.S. issued huge Treasury Bonds to compete with the market available money with private industry. It is different now, the money is plenty and price is much higher in every field, foods, other goods, and some workers pays, etc. I am watching how the Federal Reserve's response to this kind of inflation. The Chairman says that he is going to increase the interest.

I am good and more experience with my own home economics, my personal finance. I am very frugal and I never spend more than what I make and also I save all the time. Not only I save, I also encourage both of my children save and work, don't waster time. I only purchase when I need it, if not, only when it is on sale. Merchants always attempt to get rid of their unsold or difficult to sell goods in order to get their invested capital back for new inventory. I keep some cash at hand for cash flow and invest the rest in the stock market for the time being. I worry that I pay more tax than the inflation.

I also have some concerns of the governments. I only like to point out at the Federal level. We need more budget spent on the infrastructure not the tax cut for the high income few. Of course that I know the income tax is high yet 50% of the population pay no federal income tax. They need a job o earn their income at least. This will help to reduce the welfare and public safety systems overall and keep the rich safe.

We need to pay back some of those 9 trillion like we personal pay back our bank loan eventually. I don't believe that 10% of the Gross Domestic Products limit number. I don't believe conservative politicians say they will balance the budget. It has never happened.

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