Tuesday, July 23, 2019

In a hot summer day/Carlos Pueblo

In a hot summer day/Carlos Pueblo

What do I do in a hot summer day in Houston, Texas? I must tell you that I always
hide inside the air conditioning house except a morning walk and a Saturday
morning tennis. Other than those outdoor activities, I have had plenty of Youtube
viewing and naps throughout of a day.

I walk and visit my pet dog friends in the morning and most of the time Amy is with
me except some days that she has engagement. Recently, a black color lab Samantha
joins my lists of favorite. She would answer my whistle and insists wait on me till I
come forward. She would like to join her walk which I must change my route routine.
She would sit and wait for me to say hallo to some other dogs inside the gate or come
to meet those others passing by. One day we met 4 red hawks down to an intersection
on Stoneford street. Two smaller birds were playing with a small squirrel up and down
while two bigger birds, obviously their parents were standing on two roof tops. Sam’s
lady owner told me they were at a hunt training. I find that friendship between pet dogs
friends in the neighbor and myself is very enjoyable.

I have been invited to play tennis at a neighbor’s club and their Captain would send me
the e-mail on Sunday for the coming Saturday. Since our own Captain moved to a
retirement facility and the Hurricane Harvey, we can barely maintain our Tuesday night
tennis. I need to have two days of tennis in a week to fill my needs of exercises. I must
constantly monitor my physical condition to see if I still can play tennis. I know the need
to exercises and also am aware of plenty rest afterward.

My tennis body Roger tells me that the invention of the air conditioning makes Houston
to become a big city and I notice that is also true to the American South. People can be
more tolerate to the heatwave of long summer. It makes Houston more comfortable in
the hot summer.

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