Monday, January 1, 2018

Recording history ourselves/Carlos Pueblo

Recording history ourselves/Carlos Pueblo

During the Confucius era, there were palace historians recording history and
keeping record in good order; therefore, Confucius himself swore that he would
be like those historian officers to utilize his pen to make those corrupted officers
scared like current day media exposure. My friends in Austin, Texas recently
switch their discussing point to such issue and I like to contribute the subject
of slave existed in the Chinese Communist regime to influence their behavior
toward Taiwan and come back to the original issue of how to record the history
ourselves, in my opinion.

Recently, there are news of Chinese Liberation Air Force fighter jets encroaching
Taiwanese air space, 17 times in 2017 as the lady President Tsai warns that is a
threat of the peace and stability of the East Asia. I notice that the word of the
Reuters used to describe Taiwan as the Wayward instead of Renegade previous
used. There are different degree of definition for these two words, renegade is
rebellion while wayward is left home, a slave escapes from home and the owner
likes to catch her back. I have read so many times of a famous Chinese classical,
the Dream of the Red Chamber and recently learn and notice the slave in the novel
. Recently, the Red Chamber scholars define how Chinese slave system has been
coming from and still existed into Chinese Communists mind. There have been wars
in Chinese history all the time, thousands of years since the first Emperor and before.
Each time, the defeated have become the slave of the conquerors, i. e. according to
The Record of the Grand Historian by Sima Chien, Emperor Wu Di of Han moved the
Asian Huns inside the Great Wall west of the Yellow River to be slave of Han Dynasty.
Taiwan was conquered by the Manchu Dynasty and became a Chinese Colony until
1887 annexed to Fuchien Province, then parted to Japan in 1895 until 1945; therefore,
Chinese Communists consider Taiwan as a sacred and holly territory and Taiwanese
are Chinese conquered slave, Hsi has that in his mind.

Chiang Kai-sek and his Chinese Nationalists, considered Taiwan as a conquered territory
and Taiwanese as their slave as well. Manchurian consider Han Chinese as slave because
they conquered Chinese Ming Dynasty and ordered Han greet themselves slave in front
of the Emperors. This is a Chinese history and tradition even existed in today’s Chinese
mind, look at the Beijing regime’s attitude toward Taiwan, rudeness, impoliteness, and

We should record our history ourselves by writing memoirs ourselves until the rest of the
world find us. We all have good school education and rich experience of the modern
society and we must pick up our pen to record our life, our family, our community, and
finally our nation and the world where we live.

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