Thursday, October 12, 2017

Visiting Edinburgh, Scotland, 2017/Carlos Pueblo

Visiting Edinburgh, Scotland, 2017/Carlos Pueblo

Edinburgh was the old capital city of the Kingdom of Scotland and the
last monarch, Queen Anne, had ceased in the beginning of 17th century.
Scotland and England have formed the Great Britain ever since and become
a great Empire. We arrived to the city early in the morning and found our way
to the hotel smoothly by shuttle. A seagull was waiting outside our room at a
balcony and we could have a nice view of the Edinburgh Castle. Our daughter,
Michelle, used her hotel points to give Amy as a birthday present. We went
out toward the Castle to start this three days tour. We had covered the Castle,
National Gallery, East and West Princes Street Gardens on the first day; the
University of Edinburgh campus, tapestry museum, and Walker Slater a Harris
Tweed Jacket store on the second day; Carlton Hill, the New Town and walked
to Stockbride outside of the tourist map on the third day.

The weather was lovely, no rain for the entire three days as Eugenia of Hong Kong
showed me her i-phone photos last year in Frankfurt, Germany. The unique architecture
of building are well kept and the Scots are very good manners and friendly indeed.
The Castle was built on a hill formed by a young age volcano, solid rock base. Tourists
and their buses are piled up on the uphill road side to the Castle. We walked into the
Scotland National Gallery, a free menu of arts. One of a big painting on the wall is
about an old flood scenery of the old town and later has become the East and West
Princes Street Gardens, they are on both sides of this Gallery. I have been mostly
impressed by the green lawn of Edinburgh, as a matter of fact, Scotland entirely.
It must be the mild climate and plenty of rain.

I was determined to visit the famous University of Edinburgh campus, it was outside
of the tourist map; yet not far away from the hotel. We walked through the old town
Edinburgh with lovely churches of Protestants and Catholics and memorial architecture
in the Scottish history. There is even a permanent stone sigh to explain the King’s Stables
Road and the square of stores of one portion. I chatted with a missionary of the Jehovah
Witness at the entrance street of the campus just next to a newly addition of the University
, an abandon hospital. I always love to visit a famous institution when I travel around the
world. The University can be tracked back to several centuries with a high school building
still stands and now is a museum. We walked out of the campus down to a street and found
a tapestry museum and got a clear idea of Harris Tweed Jacket which I should describe later.

A fellow guest from Wales recommended Amy visit the Carlton Hills and the new town of
Edinburgh and we did on the third day. Carton Hills is a place to over view the harbor and
the New Town is on the north of Princes Gardens not that huge. We walked pass the
boundary to Stockbridge outside the tourist map again.


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