Monday, November 23, 2020

All about the Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus Pandemic/Carlos Pueblo

 All about the Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus Pandemic/Carlos Pueblo

It has been almost nine months since we are aware of the Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus Pandemic. Our life is all affected by this disease. I am afraid to visit my daughter for the Thanksgiving holiday and also the Christmas. It is very difficult for me to visit Taiwan to have my dental work done. I have to wear a face mask every where I go. I must be very careful to avoid been infected.

My last foreign trip was at the beginning of February when I came back from the Southeast Asia. That was the beginning of what we knew of the pandemic. Quickly, it has spread all over the world even makes the U.S. out of control. At home, our Arthur still needs to go to work at a supermarket and Amy goes out for grocery shopping. I make a new plan to spend my plenty of time. I quit my regular cruise traveling and add some more daily exercises instead. Now, I have had my morning walk and tennis daily and I finish my summer swimming.

We are waiting for our term to get the vaccine injected. Amy knows when. I am lucky that I save some fund from the cruise to spend some on the plumbing issues. I also help to cook more in a week, almost every day. I finish to read the U.S. History from 1860-1960 to better understand this nation. We vote Trump out of the White House.

The Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus will be like Aids or some other diseases. It will be under control and the important matter is to be safe while we are waiting for the solution.

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