Thursday, August 22, 2019

Re-visiting London Regent's Royal Park 2019/Carlos Pueblo

Re-visiting London Regent's Royal Park 2019/Carlos Pueblo

On the second day of my arrival in London, I took the Tube, London Subway, to the Regent's Royal Park. Actually, it is near by both the Hyde and Kensington on the northwest of London, part of the city of Westminster and London borough of Camden. I was checking on the rose blooming status and my attempt to march the Regent's Grand Canals including the Camden
Canal. I always visit the Park every time passing through London. Camden is a suburban township of the Old London where the new comers reside. Now, the old small township has been very prosperous. The canal network used to be the transportation to move foods supply from outside to the city. I have had many good memories from my previous visits including a search of old residence of Amy Winehouse, the young deceased singer, the international Bazzar by the Canal, Little Venice, and a search of Great British Library, etc. The front desk clerk of the librarian answered my Sun Yat-sen's old desk while he was in exile in the city should be located at the basement of the Great British Museum. We were told that how great he was while reading books in the library to develop his revolution idea for China.

The rose blooming was not ready by a week yet the turnips were fully blooming. I made my mind to change my last leg of this trip by canceling Reeds visit and returning back to London for another 5 days in order to see roses. I did run into the late summer roses at Queen Mary's Rose Garden in 2018 on our way to Edinburgh after several misses in 10 years. I followed the direction board by the Park Lake, a wildlife sanctuary, toward the Canals. I met a Filipino nanny with a cute little girl. I utilized all my Tagalog learning from the cruise to introduce myself and comment her beauty, etc. She tells me that I can always find her in the Park and as a matter of fact that I meet her again the following week.

After the Lake, there is a huge parkland before the exit of the Park to the Canal. I walked on the opposite direction of the Zoo toward the other end if any. One side of the Canal is the civilian area of business and residential area while on the side is luxury mansions. A well learned local gentleman chatted with me about it. Actually they are the embassy housing for the foreign ambassadors like the U.S. and China, etc. He pointed an unique backyard of Chinese mansion and also one of the neighbor. He told me that Donald Trump's first official visit of London was staying here with a huge security bill with anti missile set up, etc. I can't understand why the Queen invites him back for another visit. He said because Theresa May asked her to do it. Based on what I knows of the Queen, I don't think that she likes Trump's raciest style, etc. neither do many European leaders like Danish and Iceland's and myself in the U.S. voting blog.

The area after my long distance march becomes a regular city scenery of immigrants like our east side of Houston, Texas. There are more and more boat houses, most of them are old and permanent yet I still see some visiting barges passing through on either ways. I walked back toward the Zoo and Camden. I had my lunch at Feng Shang Princess Chinese Restaurant, a Cantonese one on a huge size of barge. I have been to this unique restaurant before and taken many photos. After lunch and toilet use, I kept on going north to the Lock, the Bazzar, and the fashion store with old Singer's Sawing machines.

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