Monday, May 14, 2018

Separation of Powers at play in the U.S./Carlos Pueblo

Separation of Powers at play in the U.S./Carlos Pueblo
After finishing my journal of Japanese trip, I have been hocked with political
events both in the United States and Taiwan. As an enthusiastic observer in
political affairs, I must admit that I learn a lot of the separation of powers at
play in the U.S. during the current days. It is about Donald Trump, the new
U.S. President. A lawyer of an actress claimed to have a one night affair with
him issued a 7 pages memo to expose his private attorney’s corporate bank
account and questioned the in and out flow of funds on that account. Many
corporations have since confirmed such contribution of funds and some
explanation and follow up reasons to separate the relationship between this
private attorney of the President and the President himself.

The reasons why this nation is so great of all time is the separation of powers,
executive branch such as the President and his administration; the legislative   
branch such as the congress and the senate; judiciary branch such as every level
of courts system. Trump’s fiasco has involved almost every powers of this nation,
a special counsel has been appointed and functioned just one year duration to
investigate his election collusion with Russia by the department of Justice, a
branch of the administration. Both House and Senate committee are investigate
this matter as well even though not significant due to partisanship. States and
individual file lawsuit all over the nation to challenge the President and his policy.
One of the lawsuit, Stormy Daniels non-disclosure agreement with Trump, catches
my attention.

The U.S. Presidency is very powerful in compare with previous emperors of dynasty
of the world, especially for an unorthodox President likes Trump. The second power
is firmly under his party’s control and more than 50% of the judge among all levels.
There is this Daniels attorney who believes the impossible and make such a small
issue to fight a possible war. I compare this to an old Chinese proverb, unstable road
help from the sword, a kind of standing up against injustice. This lawyer explain his
courts procedure, his logic, and their purpose with the cable television interview.
This is very helpful for me to understand the power play of the American politic
and the rule of law, better than the television episode, Rules and laws, etc.

I am not quite sure if this drama like political activity will be ended in which direction,
yet I am sure that is a part of my daily life to witness the fundamental knowledge of
modern advanced political system, how to make a nation great under the separation
of powers.

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