Monday, May 7, 2018

I miss my daughters on the cruise/Carlos Pueblo

I miss my daughters on the cruise/Carlos Pueblo
After finishing my trip journal of Japan, I miss my daughters on the cruise. Travelling
is one of my few activity in my life at old age including landscape work at home and
daughter Michelle’s Austin house, meet neighborhood pet dogs and cats, prepare
breakfast and beef noodle on Saturday, and write my blog, etc. I have been out of
my former circle of friends for a long time and this is a new life.

I was so happy to receive e-mails from Neomi Lee,  Raphaela and Christine while I was
In Japan. Neomi Lee was in Philippine, Raphaela was in both China travelling and back
home in Brazil , while Christine was at home in Reunion Island offshore of Africa. I met
them on three ships, Dawn, Jade, and Sun accordingly. The first two are my daughters
and the latter is my fellow passenger and I’ll adopt her next time when we meet. Neomi
Lee was on vacation and sent me a picture of a group hiking on a mountain and asked me
to identify another daughter of mine. Raphaela was visiting China on her semi-annual
leave from the ship and indicated not returning to the ship. Christine sent me a picture of
her daughter, Aheli two years old, whom I adored so much during our South America tour.

I am working on sending the pictures to each individual daughter for her remember our
friendship via the terminology of daughter in the family. I am also working on the last
minute deal from the cruise liner every day to return to cruise in order to see them again.

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