Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Old Japanese movie the Acorn School/Carlos Pueblo

Old Japanese movie the Acorn School/Carlos Pueblo

Acorn School, Shiinomi School for polio children, was directed by Hiroshi Shimizu
in 1955 and I saw it just on the other day. The parents of a pair of polio sons built
a special private school to meet the special needs of such kids at that time with a
help of a young college student with a similar disable young sister. They hope such
school will prepare the students to break the hard shell like acorn and blossom later
in their life. The curriculum and love of the school environment very impressed to me
even nowadays. I have learned the U.S. Public Law 94-142 ever since we have had a
precious child of disability. I must express my feeling of such civilization.

At the time of our struggle of taking care of such kid during the 80’s, there was an
Incident occurred in Taipei, Taiwan. A returned home Taiwanese scholar was taken
out of his parents’ home by units of the Garrison Commend, an apparatus of secret
army force under the martial law of Chinese Nationalist dictator, Chiang Kai-sek
and his son Chin-kuo, for a suspect reason of Taiwan Independent thought in his mind.
Several days later, Professor Chen Wen-chen’s body was discovered on the ground of
the research library for graduate studies with crushed internal organs under the autopsy
report from the U.S. I felt very sick of such kind of Chinese civilization of torture. We have
tried every possible way to keep a new born child to breath while the Chinese KMT regime
to severe parts of healthy or even kill them in order to make them feel safe to control the

Recently, a reporter of a radio program goes to interview the mother of Mayor Ko of the
city of Taipei for the reason of some critic of his attitude toward China. I watched the
speech of that reporter and found out the same conclusion. There was a tragedy occurred
during the so called 288 Massacre in Taiwan in 1947. It was before Ma Ko married to Ko’s
father; therefore, she went to double check with one of her sister-in-law, Ko’s aunt, to
describe the actual scenery after the grandfather, a Japanese trained school teacher, was
paralyzed and carried home. The whole family with 9 siblings were completely shut off,
no conversation what so ever until the victim died. Ko is well aware of this and never think
that Taiwan shall be rule by Chinese any more.

There are more and more of these uncivilized culture existed in China and that’s why I
point it out that there is no human right in Chinese Civilization at all in history and now.
I believe Falun Gong’s accusation of Chinese Communist’s oppression of their followers
In China and that is a Chinese way. I am also very impressed of such sympathy philosophy
occurred in Japan in the 50’s.  

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