Thursday, February 22, 2018

Just recover from a sore throat/Carlos Pueblo

Just recover from a sore throat/Carlos Pueblo
Sore throat means an infection on the gullet which is painful and difficult
to swallow. I have been through that for 12 days even with a little bit of
temperature. For a healthy old man, it is considered a serious illness, yet
the additional spicy treatment is my backing to watch the political talk show
in Taipei. Oh Man, this makes my blood boiling. I have since than issued
several pieces of my opinion in Kanji edition on my blog. I can’t imagine if
I get on the Sun from Santiago, Chile and sail on to Miami, Florida, I’ll be
very miserable.

During this difficult period, I still manage to complete my income tax filing and
Arthur’s. There is a change of the standard deduction which I shall explain on
my annual income tax report. I also completed the purchase of 3 week Japan
Rail Pass in addition to the previous airfare tickets at the end of last year.
Michelle arranges 4 nights Osaka and 3 nights Hakodate and I shall book myself
first, 4 nights Tokyo including one night at Narita, and the rest 10 nights should
be Kumamoto, Kanazawa, and somewhere around Aomori Gonosien area.

I am back to normal old life and I am glad to see my regular pet dog honey on the
subdivision. Houston weather is still wet, cold, and miserable; however, manageable.
I took Arthur to his jury duty and came back through a glasses store to have several
plastic frame spectacles to replace those three rusted taped metal ones.

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