Monday, August 7, 2017

Visiting Lyon, France/ Carlos Pueblo

Visiting Lyon, France/ Carlos Pueblo

Two reasons for me to arrange visiting Lyon, France, first, Helene Billand
of Rodez, France draw a map for me at a hostel in Buenos Aires to recommend
southern France from Barcelona,  Spain to Rodez, then split to Bordeaux on the
west and Lyon to the east. I showed the scratch to a German senior Jurgen Kurz
of Freiburg, Germany and he also recommended his hometown on the bank of
River Rhine northwest of Lyon. Secondly, a Chinese spoken language prose, the
spring of Lyon by Mei Su, was in my mind all the time when the city was brought
up, a text in my 7th grade language class. She mentioned very much in details for
the summer chore at a vineyard when she was studying in Lyon during 1921-1925.

I didn’t have the opportunity to visit any of the vineyard in Lyon, instead, I did
march several miles along River Rhine and River La Saone. I was taken by an airport
light  rail to a city center, Gare Part-Dieu Villette, passing through several residential
area of this half a million metropolitan city, a lovely French suburban. Then, it was
a raining day at the metro station, I changed to a blue line all the way across Rhine
to the end station of Gare d’Oullins. The small inn was about 10 minute walk away;
however, I was lost and took almost two hours to reach my destination.

My room is facing River Rhine and there is a busy two lane highway between. I could
view the might Rhine from my room and clearly see the container port of Lyon. I could
 also see a beautiful church up to a hill far away through my binocular, and later I found
out the famous La Basilique de Fourviere and decided to march to this cathedral on the
next morning.

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