Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Visiting Berlin Wall/Carlos Pueblo

Visiting Berlin Wall/Carlos Pueblo

One day I went to visit Berlin Wall twice with a very sorry impression.
Berlin Wall was built in 1961 and removed in 1989 consequently with
the collapsed of East Germany, Soviet Union, and its East Europe
communist states. After WWII, Germany was divided to East and West,
Berlin was separated by a line then a wall affiliated to these two German
Nations, of course, I forgot to mention the occupation by the four victors
agreement at Potsdam nearby Berlin. During the first 15 years, there were
3.5 million East German left their nation to the West and the national
Security of the East was threaten for the loss of more than 10% of its work
force; therefore, they decided to build a Wall between the two Berlin to
prevent the migration, current day we call it refugee. Between 1961-1989,
there were still more than 5,000 attempted to escapes and 200 were shot
by the East guards.

In late 1989, the east German took trains to Budapest, Hungary, then another
train to Vienna, Austria, a German speaking nation, and the third train going
to West Germany. We saw the episode everyday on the television and newspaper.
East German ruler tried to stop by all means yet failed and didn’t know what to
do. Pressure to Hungarian authority to stop the bleeding, the refugee jammed
the embassy of West Germany and opened the second route to escape via Prague,
Czechoslovakia and Vienna. In a matter of days, the East regime collapsed.

We have seen many nations perished after wars yet not as dramatically and
peacefully as East Germany. A tour guide mentioned that at the time of the built
of the Wall, East Germany desperately needed the construction materials for the
war reconstruction and the authoritarian regime ignored that priority. From the ruin
of Wall Memorial, we can see the low quality of the construction never can be
mentioned to compare with the German Empire glory  in history.

Angela Merkel was from the era of East Germany and I bet she understood the
suffering of the refugee. I understood because I was from Taiwan under a severe
dictatorship of a Chinese rule. After the Wall collapse, Beijing communist regime
are scared that they are to be the next to fall, they relax their exit rule and now
you can see Chinese immigrants all over the corner of the world. I blame the
problem of refugee coming from the authoritarian, communist only 4 left, and
inefficient government for all the difficulty occurred in their nations, of course,
Asian are not European and Chinese are not German, it takes 71 years for Taiwanese
to get rid of Chinese regime.


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