Sunday, January 29, 2017

Looking for General Shinseki’s old residence/Carlos Pueblo

Looking for General Shinseki’s old residence/Carlos Pueblo

We ride on a tip shuttle provided by a Hawaiian store Hilo Hattie to the
downtown Lihu’I where is General Shinseki’s home town. He was a
former secretary of veteran affairs and a former army chief of staff. I
have admired him ever since read about him and his courage and loyalty
to this nation. He was from Lihu’I as the third generation of Japanese
immigrant, sansei, a graduate of West Point, during his adolescent years,
he served as a volunteer firefighter and directed traffic at the down streets.
I wanted to visit the good fongsuei of his parents residence where a great man
coming from; therefore, I kept asking about him and his parents until I met
a senior lady volunteer at a state office. She appreciated my effort and was
anxious to help me to locate his sister Yvonne Shinseki and brother Paul Shinseki.
She says that he, the general, is no longer living at here; however, when he comes
back to Hawaii, he would stay with his brother. Paul’s wife Carol usually drives
her sister-in-law for shopping daily. She knows Yvonne well so we called Yvonne
and Paul with my phone of Houston area code, of course no body answered. She
then walked us to another office to see a young offer who said the state could not
release any of the personal information.

I followed the senior lady’s point of direction toward Paul’s residence. The residential
area is well kept about 1/3 acre lot some of them converted to  business use such as
physician’s office or general proprietor’s practice. We passed by a helicopter’s office
where I was not quite sure was the same one we took our daughter to for her helicopter
ride in 2008. We walked back to Hilo Hattie store for the same shuttle to go back to the
ship. I still remember that same MacDonald and movie theatre on the old town main
street where Shinseki directed the traffic.

We still had some time and I went across the street from the store to chat with a rental
car manager on the strip to find out how to manage a rental car in the next cruise travel,
then I went to a gift shop on the first corner of the strip and chatted with a clerk. She
pointed out a plastic portea flower among a group of Hawaiian gingers where I could see
some similarity. She is very learned person good at international politic especially in the
middle east such as Egypt, she might be an Egyptian or Asian Indian that I could not tell.

The ship left Nawiliwili Bay at 2:30 pm and toward the north coast. I think that the Captain
makes a special tour for us to view the Na Pali Coast for the huge wave to hit the steep
cliff, this is why no road beyond the wet/dry caves and Kalalau Valley. I saw two unique
drawing of a Filipino artist at Marriott the day before. There is a famous description of an
old Chinese poem about such scenery for the wave to hit the cliff in a result of thousands
of piled up snow.

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