Friday, March 4, 2022

Current world political situation/Carlos Pueblo

 Current world political situation/Carlos Pueblo

Russia invades Ukraine now and I must know what the current world political situation is. My retirement fund through mutual funds is down above 30%, of course, the U.S. IRS is also affected. We all dislike the war and what can we do about it?

It has taken Russia about 10 years to conquer Chechen and Ukraine is larger than Chechen. I don't think the U.S. has involved in Chechen; therefore, Ukraine Russia shall last a bit longer and I must manage my limited fund to fight the depressed stock market and the inflation, i.e. the oil price is above $112 a barrel now.

I watch the You Tube political videos almost all the time during the day to see what is happening in the current world political situation. As a matter of the fact that is what happens in our history in the future. Stubborn Putin still insists to continue the war in Ukraine not matter how many refugee created and how many life lost. We can't help to save life in a peace time in the world yet people like Putin love to kill healthy people for their ego and stupid reasons of any kind.

I am so fortunate myself that I live in the United States where I think the war is far away. If I didn't immigrate to this great nation, I would be suffering from the same situation of Ukraine in Taiwan. China likes to invades Taiwan for their stupid One China policy and majority nations of the world agree to it. It is a destiny of some people in this world like Taiwanese that we have a bad neighbor China like Ukraine has Russia.

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