Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Manchukuo at the end of WWII/Carlos Pueblo

 Manchukuo at the end of WWII/Carlos Pueblo

Manchukuo at the end of World War II was like this, a puppet state located at the northeast of China, isolated and surrounded by a strong Soviet force of 1.56 millions on three front. The Soviet force started the attack two days after the Nagasaki atomic bomb and occupied Manchukuo and Korea and that was in August, 1945. Chiang's regime of the Republic of China signed a peace treaty with the Soviet to yield the Outer Mongolia in order to ask the soviet force to leave Manchukuo. In 1946, the Soviet force did leave the Manchuria yet turned the area to the Chinese Communist rebel force. Chiang's force had never set a foot hold of Manchuria. Korea was separated into the North Korea and the South Korea according to the Yalta Conference. The Soviet force to attack Manchuria was the major reason why the Imperial Japan surrendered.

How big was the territory of Manchuria? It is about the size of Texas or a little larger than Texas. The population was more than 40 millions. Manchukuo was in between 1932 to 1945, an industrial and agricultural nation in Asia just next to Japan at that time. Their population were including Chinese, Manchurian, Korean, Mongolian, and White Russian, etc. also a few of Taiwanese due to the colonial rule in Taiwan by the Imperial Japanese government.

I am informed by my tennis partners who are either Manchurian or Chinese used to live in that territory. They tell me that current day Manchuria is no longer an advanced area in China and considered as one of the most backward area in China. It is because of long time neglect from the Communist Chinese regime. I understand that China is a failed nation no matter how impressive of their gross domestic product number. If China can not manage Manchuria, it should yield to the Manchurian to rule themselves. Let the Manchuria be an independent nation.

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