Sunday, September 26, 2021

Try to get my third dose of the vaccine/Carlos Pueblo

 Try to get my third dose of the vaccine/Carlos Pueblo

Friday I tried to get my third dose of the vaccine for the Corona Virus from Wuhan, China. Amy is very concerned with the pandemic and carefully monitors the prevention procedures. She has been told that some of her friends and relatives have already received their third shot and I am old enough to be eligible to get mine as well. She made an appointment with a drug chain store which I have received my first two shots. I went to a new location one hour early and was told that I couldn't get it because the third dose was not available for a healthy senior in regular condition. I argued and we tried manually and still couldn't go any further. The pharmacist indicated clearly that was only for the emergency needs at the time.

I have read some portions of the Wall Street Journal and the New York Time about this matter. Both reports are very lengthy and ambiguous about when the general public can get the third shot. I can only understand that Biden approves the third shot and also very confident to provide it, yet doesn't say the time. And also the CDC lady director over rule something about the medical personnel's third shot decision. I also know that WHO is against the third shot decision of the U.S. due to the lack of shots for the rest of the world. Every body takes his or her stand.

I came home and circled Highway 6 to visit two supermarkets to see if there were good deals on the watermelon, the mango, and the steak, etc. I do feel the inflation now two years after the outbreak of the pandemic. Amy is very happy that I am eating more vegetable diet and cook my own meal. I have many morning hours in exercises, playing tennis and swimming. I save some money for not going out to travel and I have a new life in my paradise. I am very healthy and sometimes forgetting my getting in years.

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