Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Farewell to Michelle's pet dog Gryphon/Carlos Pueblo

 Farewell to Michelle's pet dog Gryphon/Carlos Pueblo

Gryphon and his sister Honey and brother Brinkley cane to Houston for a short visit last week. I held him up to the hatch back trunk and said good bye to him. Amy told me that Michelle found the blood stains on our carpet were from Gryphon. The diagnosis was that he had a late stage of oral cancer which had expanded to the other part of his body. He was put to sleep last Friday. I am sad for several days because that he has been such a lovely dog to me.

Amy and I have been summoned to Austin to dogs sit while Michelle's family are away. I started to walk three dogs several times a day in the subdivision and they love it very much. Since then their owner even has more excuse to lure us back to Austin to take care of them. I don't mind because that I claim myself as a dog whisperer and I have many dogs friends at home. Gryphon is appeared as the weak one among the three; yet he always finishes his chore of walk without any difficulty. As a matter of fact, he is the best behave one among all. He has a curly black hair and small size of body. He is very well behaved.

I know that they must sleep in the same room of a human being or they would be uneasy during the night; therefore, I always volunteer to sleep at the sofa in the living room. We have their bed move next to me. Each time I wake up for my toilet break, they would also wake up and I let them go outside as well. Gryphon and Brinkley always come back right away and only Honey would make some delay. All three dogs answer my call and pay fully attention to it. This is what I love them so much.

It is a kind of suffering when we run into the separation with love one which is the Buddhism. According to my understanding that Gryphon is a good dog and always has been; therefore, after his death, he would go straight to the Western Extreme Happiness Heaven and never comes back to the earth to be suffered again as a dog or a human. This is the reincarnation.

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