Thursday, December 17, 2020

Enjoy watching the Vietnamese rural life on the vlog/Carlos Pueblo

 Enjoy watching the Vietnamese rural life on the vlog/Carlos Pueblo

For more than a week, I have enjoyed watching the Vietnamese rural life on the vlog presented by a young lady named Van Nguyen. Even though I don't know the language, yet I still can understand and imagine her fishing and cooking skills. Her vlog has refreshed me very much of what I have learned about the country, especially in the south. 

First, she is an attractive girl with an adorable smile on her tasks of fishing, cooking , handling a flat vessel along the river and the rice paddy like we drive a vehicle on city streets. Her success is really based on her talent and hard working habit.

I was raised in a township of a sugar plantation very near the mass of Taiwanese rural land. We learn some knowledge of Vietnam at schools. Mei Kong River and Mei Nan River have flooded some south Vietnamese farm lands yearly. Now I fully understand the definition of wet rice and dry rice. South Vietnam produces the wet rice while Taiwan and the US produce the dry rice. She can catch some small fishes, snails, eels, and frogs on the rice swamp while larger ones on the rivers. I can identify some of the greens which she picks on the field and rivers for food. We are eating identical in both nations with the rice as the bread and many soups on our menu. 

Early this year, I was on a short cruise trip along the coastal Vietnam. I can't say that I am impressed because the design of a cruise trip is very limited and the Vietnamese ports are mostly containers' port far away from the cities. I don't know if I shall ever have another opportunity to enjoy a visit of this kind of simple rural life.

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