Saturday, August 15, 2015

Doing the yard work/ Carlos Pueblo

Doing the yard work/ Carlos Pueblo
I usually do not do yard work at home such as mowing and watering the grass.
We have hired landscaper to maintain regular chore while auto sprinkler system
does the watering. Amy loves yard work, for example, purchasing different kinds
soils for the garden and sweeping the fallen leaves in the fall. I would come in to
help to trim the bushes, cutting down the dead trees and branches.

Recently, I find that I can do some yard work after the regular morning walk because
the outside weather is about right, 85 degree, before hitting 100 degree in the
afternoon., therefore, I replace two broken sprinkler connection. Once no leak on the
system, we can avoid the drying and hot weather. The chore has been delayed due to
wrong parts of the plastic screwing tube.

On the east side of the garage, there are four trees with shapes which are required
regular trimming in order to maintain good appearance. Three of them have been
over grown  and are too high for Amy to reach. I have been in and out of the back
door and felt that I should do something about it. After fixing the sprinkler system
and I felt some achievement and continue to do some yard work by going up to the
ladder. We do have a battery power trimmer for the job.

My landscaper noticed that I was working on a tree stump and advised me to forget it
because of hard work, I used an ax and hand saw. He would help me to finish the job
with his auto chain saw. It is 10 inches in diameter at the bottom and 5 inches in the
middle. This is a Nerium Oleander tree with beautiful pink flower in the spring. Last
year I cut down several dead branches to save the tree bottom up to 9 feet high, yet
the tree did try to regrow in vain. It has been a dry summer and the mushroom on the
trunk became dry. I decided to cut it down even with a hand saw.

Finally, the dead branches hanging on two tall trees, I also decided to bring them done.
One in the back yard, I could use a trim pole to get it down; another one on the sweet
gum in the front yard, I had to climb up hand saw it down. Usually we can hire the tree

people to do the job; however, the cost is not cheap at all.

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