Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The sign of going homeless/Carlos Pueblo

 The sign of going homeless/Carlos Pueblo

The homeless is an issue of a nation even in such a rich country of U.S.A. We have a discussion with our daughter Michelle recently of such related issue. They are in an effort to rescue a relative who has no place to live and without their help this person of age 39 will be a homeless very soon. We kind of knowing why Michelle comes to us for advise which is not our business and she won't take our advise but has a listening. This sister-in-law is $14,000 in credit card debt and driving a vehicle with a $366 a month loan payment. It is very awkward and nowadays it costs at least $1,500 a one bed room apartment in Austin, Texas. She is looking for a job. An evolution theory by Thomas Huxley suddenly appears in my mind, a natural selection.

Amy is coordinating an effort to purchase an old Honda from her sister for $500 in order to help her to meet the need to work after she returns that new vehicle to her ex-husband. I also remind Michelle that this sister-in-law should pay attention to apply the Medicaid coverage before the end of her health coverage on April 15 this year. It is very essential to keep her current medicine for mental health or it will get worse. She should also apply for social welfare in order to subordinate her low income from now on. We're lucky to live in this great and considerate nation. I know that she is a conservative and the Republication who are against the progressive approach idea, yet it is no time to save face.

Since our formation of a new family, Amy and I have carefully made our plan to help our beloved children. We have taught our value from their early age. We have asked them to finish a college education and to work thereafter. Both of my children are doing better than me on their jobs and keeping on their jobs. They have also built their frugal habits and save money for their future needs.

Recently, I have taken city buses to reach airports to make my various trips. I have stayed overnight on airports all over the world to meet my flying schedules. I have run into many homeless people. It is too late for anybody to step in to help. I don't think the mighty U.S. or Texas government can solve such problem. We must prepare early.

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