Thursday, February 20, 2020

Scares me a lot by misplacing my wallet/Carlos Pueblo

Scares me a lot by misplacing my wallet/Carlos Pueblo

Yesterday morning I was preparing to take my son to his doctor's office for a visit and couldn't find my wallet and the panic started. I had repeated checking every possible places in the house several times, bed room, desks, up stair library room, garage tennis bag, old vehicle, and even drove to the gas station where I had gasoline filled in both car and a small gas tank for lawn mowing, etc. On the previous night, I did go to a gas station and pulled out my wallet to have two credit cards purchase before coming home that was about 9 pm. I did empty my pockets inside the house, i-phone, shoe knife we called to make my feet fit to a pair of tight tennis shoes, etc. All were in place in spite of the wallet. I woke up every one including the pet cat Ayoko who knew something strange was urgent and happening.

Before I left the house, I called Chase to report my loss. The clerk told me that I was not fraudulent for any pending charge and cancelled all three cards and issued me new ones. I was driving very carefully on the congested freeway and still worrying my lost wallet. Even though I was sure it would be long gone if I lost it on my way out of the gas station, some one picked it and would keep it yet I still went to check with the convenient food store of that gas station. The night clerk in charge laughed that was impossible to find and I knew that was true. I can't wait the nice character of that person to keep my cash in the wallet and mail back the rest including the old leather wallet. The anxiety of people to sell the contents inside the wallet, credit cards with driver license to make some automatic check out purchase bothering me a lot.

My son tells me that I can't go out to cruise again until his surgery is done which makes me feel better because that I can forget the wish to travel from Argentina to Chile and to the Caribbean then  again  to NYC and London with grand total 53 days and lots of money spending. By saving that cost, I can make up some $350 cash inside the wallet. Suddenly, I felt like to practice my long lost Spanish study and I began to converse with the nurse at the doctor's office and the pharmacy clerk at my clinic on my way back from the doctor's visit. I felt a little bit hope of my depressed life.

I continued to call Capital One Bank to cancel my credit cards, there were two and the bank would issue new ones for me immediately and reminded me to use the new cars. I couldn't get to my 360 debt card which I used it in Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Singapore many times. I switched to prepare to cancel my driver's license which was very urgent as well that the early voting was started and required an personal identification document and I couldn't carry my passport to the voting station to get a vote that looked silly. I went to check a drawer of the last year receipts for income tax filing. I was fighting on every front for the time being, wallet issue, Arthur's surgery schedule, my blog writing,and 2019 federal income tax filing etc. I was suddenly very busy on my self exile or self quarantine life.

Here it was, the old black leather wallet was laid properly on top of an organized pile of receipts. I was organizing the receipts in order to figure out one of my 1099-miscellaneous income. Amy figured it out that I was placing the two unusual gas receipts to a wrong 2019 drawl due to aging and that was true in fact existed in my mind. The old wallet was in my one hand and I placed it on top of that small pile and closed it.

I was so happy and released; therefore, I decided to send my bit up tennis rackets to re-string. The tennis pro was on his way passing by my house and picked them up. I have known him ever since Michelle's day in Texas junior tennis tour which has been very good 25 years. He is still a very good tennis professional executing his job faithfully.

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