Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Regular visit to Austin in 2017/Carlos Pueblo

Regular visit to Austin in 2017/Carlos Pueblo

Since our daughter returns to her own house, we have visited Austin
monthly for some house chores because that she has been busy on her
work. We do manual job such as mowing the yard, vacuuming interior,
cleaning flower bed, and removing frozen branches etc. Amy keeps the
weed out of flower beds and maintains roses gardens front and back.
Very soon, it has been almost a year during 2017.

I have been visiting Austin ever since 1980 during my first job as an insurance
agent, then Michelle’s college at the university, her job with a computer firm
and thereafter a purchase of two rental houses. We went to help her cleaning
the property and planning the garden yard work until the beginning of this
year when her tenants moved away. She said that eventually she should move
back to her own house and we agreed to help her for the required house chores.

The house is on a 0.2 acre lot, a regular site of current day single dwelling. I
transferred some old bricks and roses from a torn down neighbor’s house to make
a rose garden on the back yard and a small portion of a corroded driveway. The house
looks better now yet a regular maintenance is required. She can get by without
regularly watering the yard to keep the yard and garden alive. During the spring,
orchard blossom and garden blooming.

Usually, we go to Austin on Wednesday noon and come back on Saturday noon for
a two and half hour drive one way. Austin is on a Texas hill country with several
lakes carried by the River of Colorado. There are some old German townships near
by and of course mixed with some Spanish-Mexican influence. I always desire to
have some visit of them one of these days to take advantage of my stay.

Also, there is a group of my fellow Taiwanese retiree in Austin that I know of. I like
to get back to their regular lunch buffet gathering. I believe that will help me very

much in my senior living life. 

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