Monday, May 22, 2017

The scenic rail routes to Cologne, Germany/Carlos Pueblo

The scenic rail routes to Cologne, Germany/Carlos Pueblo

I was attracted by the scenic routes on the map of Germany Rail, two
of them are on the way from Munich to Cologne. First, from Stuttgart
to Heidelberg along River Neckar Valley; the second, from Mainz to
Cologne along River Rhine. The trains pass through beautiful rivers,
German farms and villages with colorful dwelling roofs, vineyards on
the hills etc. Several famous cities which I have passed through such as
Munich at the beginning, a city of BMW headquarter; Stuttgart of
Mercedes-Benz; Heidelberg, Mannheim, Mainz and Wiesbaden, Bonn,
and Cologne.

I walked out of the central station of Stuttgart to see what the Benz
headquarter city looks like.  BMW and Mercedes-Benz are two vehicles
of the admiration of American drivers. Stuttgart is pretty and prosperous
indeed. I even walked across a busy street to visit a block of the business
center. The Necker flows north from the south on Switzerland border
along with the Danube which flows to the Eastern Europe. Neckar joins
the Rhine at Mannheim area and the Main joins the Rhine at Maniz and
Wiesbaden where the second scenic route begins with vineyards on the
River hills all the way to Cologne. I have only had the experience of viewing
the scenery on two of my train rides through Cologne. My neighbors even
have had an experience of visiting this route on a rental car for two weeks
while on their visit of their daughter’s family serving in Germany.

I felt lucky for my experience visiting Germany during my life time indeed.
I have passed more than one time for the cities in this area, Heidelberg,
Mannheim, Mainz, and Wiesbaden where they are closed to Frankfurt.
After checking in with the hostel and releasing my luggage, I rushed out
again to the central train station to take another train to visit Bonn University
where a cousin of mine on my mother’s side went to graduate study during
the 60’s. I posted my journal right after I came home from this trip in November,


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