Thursday, March 11, 2021

The distraction of a young tennis observer/Carlos Pueblo

 The distraction of a young tennis observer/Carlos Pueblo

Once in a while, there is a young tennis observer approaching to the tall steel fence that would be a distraction of my tennis game. I can't properly serve to make a rare double because the young observer has refresh my fond memory of my childhood in Taiwan. I was like him at that time watching the tennis game at courts near by my house. Recently, I have introduced two young boys whom I give them four used rackets to encourage them to get into this sport. Today, I shall introduce another one, Lucast, he is only one and a half years old so I give him a can of freshly used tennis balls.

I tell him and his father that I shall give him my racket when he grows up to my shoulder's high. He can start to hit the ball and joins the junior tour even play at the school team. I have done that so is my daughter Michelle. We all have such a good time playing the tennis.

Now, there is every day morning tennis for me with two groups of friends with additional two players to join us. My old dream has come true to play tennis every day like those local gentlemen at my home town Huwei, Taiwan. They were all established people who were care of their health, physically and mentally. I gather used balls and rackets to give to pet dogs and young boys for them to play. I promote the tennis sport as a matter of the fact.

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