Friday, May 24, 2019

Revisiting Manchester, England 2019/Carlos Pueblo

Revisiting Manchester, England 2019/Carlos Pueblo

Right after returning home from my Panama Canal Transit Cruise, I
packed again for my 4 weeks re-visit of the U.K. due to my previous
booked of a direct flight from Houston to Manchester. At the beginning,
I considered taking another cruise from Rome, Italy for a 9 days cruise
to the Greek Isles; yet the cruise liner didn’t yield enough price and I had
to give up. My second choice was to visit the Isle of Lewis of the Outer
Hebrides in Scotland for the famous Harris Tweet, a famous producer of
the heavy wool garment. I learn the Harris Tweet suit, a heavy set of a
wool suit from Scotland where I always like to visit and to real feeling of
the background of a quality control English law to protect the quality of
such product worldwide. An English fellow traveler helped me to search
the transportation and possible inn in that area with any sure guaranty of
accessible as the matter of fact. A lady staff at the city information center
recommended me visit Marple Township on the suburban of the city for
the old canal, a part of 2000 miles of canals in England built more than
200 years ago in the Great Industrial Revolution Era. I immediately extended
four more nights in Manchester.

I had had a very good rapport with the train conductor who was well learned
with the British Canals System. He also mentioned that I should visit Birmingham
also due to its canals system. He asked a pair of local train passengers taking me
to the entrance of the canal, 16th lock, and downhill to 1st lock and further. Before
our separation, the young man briefly advised me how much time and where I
possibly can reach my first train station to hop on a train back to the city. Marple
township is considerably rich with a sufficient fund to re-innovate the old canals
and make it beautiful like a park of hiking and bicycle riding. Lock 12th is under
repair due to the soil movement to narrow the width of the lock. I saw a heavy
machinery on site and passed in detour. Local residents took their morning walk
with their pets dogs and I could see how exhausted those lovely dogs coming up
to have a break.

On the bank of lock 10th, I ran into a volunteer of the Canal & River Trust to
promote something for the Trust, the charity foundation and the owner of the
2000 miles waterway. Dave is also very fond of the old canals and very knowledgeable
in the system. He recommended me visit additional two township, Mabdon to the south
and Edale to the north.

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