Monday, May 20, 2019

Real two China example/Carlos Pueblo

Real two China example/Carlos Pueblo

Before I went to my trip in England, I released an article about two
China example in practice in Kanji edition, i.e. the Singapore Airline
asked me question on their internet check in for the nation coming
from. When my mouse flipped through Taiwan there was a Taiwan,
China selection. It reminded me when the Beijing Regime insisted
such change to show the whole world that Taiwan is part of China.
Some of the airliners resisted it for a bit yet finally surrendered.
That shows my evidence of two China existed actually. In Beijing,
It’s called the People of China while in Taiwan, it’s called the Republic
of China. They are all China, two at least nowadays. In Chinese long
history, there were many China all the time last almost half of their
recorded books of history.

Taiwan is basically an independent nation with the sovereignty to
rule herself. Most of the Chinese have no such idea to respect such
sovereignty and claim that there is only one China and Taiwan is part
of China. Taiwan is a renegade province of China. Just last month, I
developed a thought to define such confusion that Taiwan is still a
colony of China called the Republic of China while Chinese are still
a slave of the People Republic of China. According to the Chinese
recorded history, Chinese people are the subordinate of the rulers
or the Chinese Nation. They are still belonging to the rulers. Current
days’ human right is not respected. Taiwan is getting better on that
respect, better civilized in the world.

Communist regimes always have a propaganda apparatus to force
its agenda upon others, the rest of the world such as one China
policy in order to make Taiwan eventually be annexed into China.
On the other hand based on humanity, I think firmly that Tibet should
be eventually an independent nation away from China, so is the Eastern
Turkistan, Manchuria, Hong Kong and Macau, etc. It is not fortunate to
Be rule by the Communist regime such as China. Taiwanese have the
voice heard and respected for their desire of a normal independent nation.
Two China is temporary in practice and eventually Taiwan is Taiwan and
China is China.  

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