Saturday, March 12, 2016

Visiting Kagoshima/Carlos Pueblo

Visiting Kagoshima/Carlos Pueblo

Finally after three visits of Japan, I have reached the city of Kagoshima on
the southern tip of Kyushu Island. During the Japanese Imperial Rule of Taiwan,
1895-1945, many Japanese immigrants came from Kagoshima, the old name
Satsuma for the old Satsuma Kan at Bakufu era. According to those who know,
the generation of our parents spoke Japanese with Kagoshima accent, Satsugo
Hogen as theWikipedia indicates. Shingansen trains pass by several familiar cities
on the way From Himeji to Kagoshima, Hiroshima, Kokura, Shimonoseki, Hakada,
and some others like Okayama which I have an opportunity to visit on my way to
return. I split my two days stay to visit Nagasaki; therefore, my Kagoshima visit is
very brief yet meaningful.

Satsuma Ken was the first Japan to meet the European. 17 youth broke the law
to set sail to Europe and return to serve their lord. During the champion of Revere
the Emperor, expel the Foreigners, Satsuma played a major role to make Japan
becoming the super world power. There is a memorial park and museum not far
from where I am staying. Tis city park is very unique with Meji Restoration Museum,
old Samurai House, a small area of a description of early education of a samurai at
Satsuma. Japanese government, central and local, respect those who have contributed
to the Restoration, they call those heroes of the Restoration and memorial built in
Satsuma and another Prefecture, Choushu Shimonoseki. While I was taking photos
around an old frame samurai house, a senior lady volunteer dropped by and chatting
with comparing the size of the frame house to Nogi Maresuke’s at Nogi Shrine
in Shimonoseki. That was his father’s middle rank samurai residence while this one was
like a lower rank samurai’s dormitory. The lady told me that Nogi’s wife, Shizuko was from
Satsuma. I notice that the city, the park old neighborhood area, is the birth place of many
Restoration heroes, such as Okubo Toshimichi, Saigo Takamori, Togo Heihachiro. The
Emperor Meji allowed Japanese worshiping those heroes.

I Admire very much of Japan, the people and the nation. I admire the successful Restoration.
I always wish that Taiwan will become the second Japan in the world which makes  it through
a peaceful Restoration and that is why I expect the new government of Taiwanese regime
will start immediate reform to make it a real progress instead of talking all in history.

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