Sunday, September 3, 2023

Birth control/Carlos Pueblo

 Birth control/Carlos Pueblo

The world population has been expanded for generation and now it becomes all kinds of issues, such as the pollutions, global warming and cooling, food shortage, etc. You can feel the pressure because the world space is limited while the population goes to a different direction. I like to take my family as an example to start my argument.

My parents had seven children while my dad was barely a salary worker while my mom was a home maker. We had barely enough food on the table every food was in ration. My mom always reminds me not to get marry unless I was ready to provide the new family a good life to live. I got my first child  two and a half years after my marriage and a second child two years after the first. I have lived in the best managed nation in the world and I have taken advantage of this opportunity to be prevail. I believe that I have less stress than my dad and out live him more than 10 years without any of his lack of money stress. 

It is a basic calculation 2 versus 7 children. Increasing world population will have more demand of foods and other necessity. It will create more pollution, air and water. No matter how much progress the current technology can be achieved. Birth control is a fundamental theory to control all issues.

The U.S. is a well managed nation in birth control; therefore, its birth rate is in minimum; however, the national population is always increased rapidly because immigrants are coming faster than the nation can manage it. Immigrants to meet the workers demands. No matter how you do think of the immigration, immigrants do help to build the U.S. and make the nation prosperous. From the individual point of consideration, we must think ourselves first to plan our family in order to be successful.

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