Monday, April 15, 2019

Taiwan’s trouble to be annexed by China/Carlos Pueblo

Taiwan’s trouble to be annexed by China/Carlos Pueblo

The most political issue discussed in Taiwan is the annexation of Taiwan
as a part of China by force and we define it as the national status of Taiwan.
When I was young and taught during my life that Taiwan was belonged to
China. I have always doubted it even though I didn’t dare speaking it in
Taiwan. Chinese on both sides of the Formosan Straight insist that there is
only one China and both disagree each other. In Taiwan that China means
the Republic of China while in Peking they call it the People’s Republic of
China; therefore, according to basic logic, there are two Chinas. Recently,
I kind of agree that Taiwan is still a colony of the ROC from every prospect
of view and definition of a nation, even though Taiwanese enjoy high degree
of self-determination, democracy, human right, and most of the Western style
of freedom. It will be changed if one day Taiwan becomes a part of Peking’s
China, then Taiwanese will be like Chinese, Tibetan, Uyghurs, people of Hong
Kong, etc. as slaves of Communist China.

According to the history of Chinese Dynasty, Community China is still a Chinese
ruler that consider their citizen as their slaves or as their cattle that they can do
whatever they like. Human right is not respected and there is no rule of law. In
Chinese history, the conquerors have taken the conquered as their slaves. This
current day Communist regime, they have confiscated all personal property
when they take power in China. They use their slave labors to attract the greedy
foreign investors to exploit them for their gross national product. Taiwan has been
more like the Western nations to respect human right and free market to make
their citizen more comfortable. It will be very difficult to accept such dramatic
change as free people to slavery.

People always are suggesting me to visit the mainland China and I always indicate
that I am very scare of their anti-secession law of 2005 because that I am for Taiwan
independence and I don’t feel safe to travel in China. I don’t think the U.S. Department
of States can rescue me in case I am arrested for such violation. I have better keep on
the cruise travel and land trips toward more civilized world and I shall never joke on

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