Friday, August 4, 2023

Prosecuting Donald J. Trump/Carlos Pueblo

 Prosecuting Donald J. Trump/Carlos Pueblo

Two weeks ago I posted a piece in Kanji edition about Prosecuting Donald J. Trump, an You Tube program by a well learned attorney on MSNBC to explain what all happening on Trump's legal issues. I went to Austin to house sit our daughter's house while she was on vacation for 8 days. Trump was criminally indicted again for the third times on August 1, 2023 on the last day of my Austin stay. I had been hooked by MSNBC and CNN in Austin for this biggest political event in the United States in history and I believe is one of the most memorable event in the human history. 

Trump excuses himself for the reason of Biden's persecution because he is the obvious leading Republican Presidential Candidate for the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. Biden persecutes him for the rivalry. He doesn't admit that he has violated any U.S. Laws, of course, he is never be remorse yet I can see his scared sketches at D.C. district court room for his third arraignment in front of a judge to pled not guilty.

He still says that Biden has stolen the 2020 Presidential Election from him. He still claims that at the beginning of the election night his poll was leading Biden and suddenly the fraud was occurred. He still blames the dead man voting. Then, he managed to commit many crimes against the U.S. Laws which he has been facing now.

There have been two impeachment while he was in the White House, first one is something to do with the threatening to withhold aide to Ukraine if his demand of Hunter Biden's investigation was not announced by the Ukraine President; the second impeachment is after the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol Hill. Of course, both impeachment were not passed in the Senate. It is why he is still not change his behavior. There is a congressional investigation for the January 6 insurrection before the end of 2022 with a criminal referral to the Department of Justice for the Federal Prosecution of him. 

It is very interesting that some American voters are still voting for him to be their National Leader. I know the reasons, they are racist in their mind, they are Evangelical Christian, and they like tax cut no matter what happens.

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