Thursday, November 29, 2018

Visiting daughters on board/Carlos Pueblo

Visiting daughters on board/Carlos Pueblo

The purpose of my cruise is not traveling for fun or sightseeing yet visiting
daughters on board of the cruise ship Dawn. I have adored these charming
young ladies of their good manners, hardworking nature, and unique
temperament which I rarely encounter in current day American society.
I asked their permission for adoption and they gladly accepted and we took
pictures together and I mailed them back after returning home. Some of them
have kept the correspondence with me and mostly remember my visit when
I get on board. It was in the spring of 2016 when I took Jade across the Atlantic
Ocean while I had started adoption. Now, I have had more than 150 daughters
from both ships and some of them have been transferred to all Norwegian
fleet. I am not the one who initiate this behavior as I am informed that there
are some guests practice the same procedure to show their admiration of these
young ladies and appreciated their friendship.

Most of them are from nations not as fortunate as the United States where plenty
of jobs are waiting for you. They have to work outside of their homelands and be
separated from their family, a contract lasts on for 8 months and two months
break. Fortunately, the employer provides safety and reasonable  working
environment. Many of them come back to continue their contracts. With their
working experience or training that I believe they are going to be an excellent
housewives once they get married and start a family if the family can maintain
their financial balance. This is another reason why I am so impressed of them
for their sacrifice for their work to their family.

One of my daughters on Jade taught me a few sentences of Tagalog, one of the
major Filipino language. With an increasing numbers of daughters from Cibu City
area, there is a need for me to learn Cibuano language. Based on what I learned,
Cibuano is one major race of the Austronesian, similar to the Taiwanese
Aborigines, either the plane native or mountain trace. If I check on their appearance
and I can see the similarity between both. The spoken Taiwanese native language
has been perished for a long time and I have had no ambition to dig into it. The
world progresses as long as we go.

According to the Chinese literature of which describes the beautiful ladies as
flowers and similar to Jade. I really can be related to such fantasy when I visit
them every time.

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