Sunday, December 25, 2016

In and out of my cocoon/Carlos Pueblo

In and out of my cocoon/Carlos Pueblo

I was summoned to help to clean the weed of Michelle’s rental property
in Austin, Texas for two days in and out of my cocoon. It is one of a few
activity which I consider a meaningful life during my aging life tenure. We
have anticipated what we shall do in the yard both in the front and the back
; therefore, we have brought some tools from home for the task. It is an old
house with innovation yet still has weed all over the yard and she does not
expect that her tenant would take care of it. Other than cleaning the yard, we
also witness a catch of a possum, the major reason for this trip. I feel that the
weed problem is under control now and it is a matter of time that the rental
property will become manageable.

A pet control pickup truck was waiting on the front yard parking space. Her
tenant was complaining that noise was heard at night and she knew immediately
that would cost her at least $200 to send someone to check it if it was caught,
the cost would be up to $300 in this case including holes repair was $600 in total
cost. Pet control is a very good business. The possum is a big one, bigger than our
cat Stich. I was joking with the owner of the pet company about a description of
a scenario of the novel, To kill a mockingbird, describing people in rural Alabama
to barbeque the possum and the good smell. The owner says that he has a recipe.

What I did with the vine weed, a kind of vine crawling all over the yard on the fence
, bushes, flowers with a strong stump. Every time, I would cut hem and they would
grow back again and the rose garden is covered by it like a mushroom shape. It is
horrible. I would cut the vine loose in a small area vertically and horizontally, then
pull the entangle vine out of the struggle roses like pulling hair out of a head or cut
the mushroom umbrella one by one. 6 months ago, we had had 7 pickup load of trash
to the dumpster and this time maybe one and a half. Of course, it was including the
trash junky branched. The chemical which Michelle applied on the tree cut is working
at least control most of the junk trees and this time she applies to the vine stump and
unfinished junk trees. This is why I feel the yard issue is under control. She has owned
the property since 2007.

There are apple tree, peach tree, pomegranate tree which all bearing fruits and one
grape fruit, Texas ruby, bears 4 first year produce and I expect more next year. I do not
expect to see the 0.2 acre lot will become like the home garden in Germany, Offenbeck,
Berlin or along the German railroad track, yet after years after years effort it may do.
I have been in my cocoon most of the time and this is a time that I become a moth or
butterfly in and out of my cocoon to see not wander the world outside the cocoon.

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