Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Cocooning/Carlos Pueblo

Cocooning/Carlos Pueblo

After my returning home from a long wandering trip to Europe, I
Am back to my life of cocooning, first to thank a butterfly lecture
At a community center and a search of Faith Popcorn’s definition
of cocooning. I am at a stage, back to 1975 cocoon, other than her
original three category, socialized cocoon, armored cocoon, and
wandering cocoon. Of course, I do have all of the three kinds of
symptom as she describe back to 1990’s.

I must thank to my habit of reading new non-fiction books in my
early cocooning back to the late 90’s, and I wrote my report of
such reading and tracking down the author. My back to 1975
cocooning can be describe as no television because that I am inpatient
with the commercial; no telephone call because that I may offend
somebody cause of my regret; no driving because that we lost one
vehicle due to a sudden flood and I attempt to save some insurance
premium; no newspaper including internet news release because I
have been exhausted by the outcome of 2016 election.

What I am doing in my daily life are: read old textbook from college
Including calculus, organic chemistry and some more as the days come
By; walk on the neighborhood blocks to greet my dogs friend because
that there are more affectionate than most of my friends if there is any;
writing my memo before the end of my life. I am very fortunate that I
have lived in this great nation and I can maintain this kind of life better
that a Buddhist monk.

Every day I would  search for a meaningful way of my life, such as helping
the other person for example to help my daughter to pick up her repaired
vehicle while she is away at work no matter how significant the matter is.
I don’t intend to confuse you with a point of the great Confucius. He says
that there is nothing more manifest that what is minute; therefore, a
gentleman is watchful over himself when he is alone. I like this ever since
I am cocooning not matter how proud of myself or how humble of myself
and he says that you must be careful when you are alone because no body
is watching you.

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