Thursday, July 20, 2023

Revisiting New England and Canadian provinces 2022/Carlos Pueblo

 Revisiting New England and Canadian provinces 2022/Carlos Pueblo

After my Manhattan Chinatown lunch, I managed to take subway back to the cruise terminal for my second back on cruise to revisit New England and Canadian Provinces in the fall of 2022. I don't mind to visit this area on cruises every year as long as I am healthy. Now, I have learned to take my early dinner to be seated by the window in a restaurant in order to have a good view of the coastal line of the Hudson River and the East River during the sun set and the lights of the metropolitan city. It's on a slowly moving large ship without any stress from driving a vehicle. I believe that we pass by the Oyster Bay between Connecticut and New York.

We arrived early in the morning to New Port, Rhode Island. We took a tender boat to disembark. I was raining last week and was better this week. I am very familiar to the city center and harbor streets. New Port is a lovely town with classical buildings more that 300 years old, of course, there are newly build section in the city center. I turned my march toward the residential area behind the Trinity Church. I always like to see the old house of the late U.S. Senator Claiborne Pell. He had been very friendly to Taiwan during his tenure in the Senate Foreign Committee. I was learned that he went to a briefing of the famous massacre of February 28, 1947 in Taiwan by Chiang Kai-sek's Nationalist Army spoken by a US consul in Taipei, Taiwan, George Kerr while he was on a Navy duty at that time in the Far East.

I have read Kerr's Formosa Betray several times both in English and Kanji editions. That is why Senator Pell sympathizes Taiwanese. He is a gentleman politician. I still can't locate his childhood house at New Port, yet I did find her great aunt Anna Pell's old mansion by a luxury Vanderbilt Hotel inside a residential neighborhood. I chatted with a young man who walked his dog in the neighborhood that morning. He promises me to find what I like to see and shows me how to take a free city bus to visit the city next time. Later when I was somewhere in my itinerary, I received his text message that he located the old house.

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