Monday, January 20, 2020

Visiting Wellington, New Zealand on a raining day/Carlos Pueblo

Visiting Wellington, New Zealand on a raining day/Carlos Pueblo

We left Picton on the north tip of the north island eastward to Wellington on the southern end of the north island in New Zealand. Wellington is the national capital of New Zealand. It was raining on that day windy and miserable. The shuttle bus took us to the city center and I got off at the first bus stop. A beautiful classic building with a crown mark on the top level on the left, I thought it was the National Congress Building and I managed to take some pictures. I started my march on a main street called Lambton Quay where classical and modern high rise buildings spread out. It is nice to have a cover of eaves between buildings to avoid direct hit of the rain. I saw the Deloitte building across the street and some other famous international mega corporation, banks and hotels, etc. I was walking two main avenue away from the Wellington Harbor toward the Museum of New Zealand direction.

I entered a Burger King Restaurant on my way to use its toilet and free WiFi to send an e-mail home and made a right turn not far away on the opposite direction of the Harbor. There is a public library and I enter for a use of desk top computer, most of the libraries worldwide do provide such service., however, the library only provide domestic internet connection. I was lost when I exit from the library. I asked a street civic worker about the Harbor and he put off his work and pointing the direction nicely to make sure I got it. I have had a very impressed impression of the kind and good manners of the English speaking people, England,
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, etc.

After my cut in to the Civic Square and the City to Sea Bridge, I ran into an old gentleman with a hiker's appearance, backpack, rainy coat, hiking boots, and water bottles on pockets and hanging, etc. He told me proudly that he was just coming down from a mountain top camping during a sub zero temperature. He adores the beautiful scenery and fantastic experience. He also recommended me visit the Museum of New Zealand to get all information about the nation. The Museum is a new fashion style building with a big square in the front. I saw many visitors who had already gathering inside. I ran into Jenny and her daughter Sesame from Taipei, Taiwan and we took pictures together then they became my adopted daughter and granddaughter. Sesame is attending a home school in Taipei. They were on the cruise with a group of the family.

I didn't visit the Museum at all and exit right away due to uncomfortable outfit that I ran out of my trousers could only dress short pant on a raining day, plus a dacron cotton fabric jacket was not warm enough and it was miserable. I located the shuttle bus stop 2 and rush back to the ship.

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