Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Happy Holidays 2020/Carlos Pueblo

Happy Holidays 2020/Carlos Pueblo

2019 is coming to an end and I like to send my greeting to friends all over the world. It has been a very good year for me as a cruise traveler during this year that I have done 8 times on various routes, the Caribbean, the Panama Canal transit, Alaska, Maritime Canadian Provinces, and the recent New Zealand trip. I find that the cruising during the winter and the summer to avoid the heat way and the cold current in Houston is very enjoyable for me at the old age. I shall repeat it again in just a month to Bangkok with a land and sea combined 19 days trip.

After the trips, I always write my blog on site to describe places where I have visited and friends whom I have met. The last late spring, I was in England for a long land trip to be experienced with the canals and rivers in England and also stayed two weeks in London especially for the early roses blooming on three Royal Parks.

Both our children, Michelle and Arthur, are doing well on their jobs and manage their life very well. He stays home with us for his night shift job with a supermarket while she lives in Austin, Texas for her job assignment with a consulting firm. We're going to visit her this afternoon. Amy has her vivid life at home with two eldest sisters near by, a new church with plenty activities every week. I walk 2.2 miles every day at the subdivision to visit my pet dog friends except on Saturday morning to play man tennis league games. The rest of my day I am occupied with writing, napping, and watching the political program, free movies, and some old popular hits and pianos. I dare to say that I am in paradise.

I haven't write to you for my annual greeting for quite some time and this is a good time to report it to you and wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, including the Lunar New Years.

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