Saturday, June 29, 2019

Re-visiting Marsden, England/Carlos Pueblo

Re-visiting Marsden, England/Carlos Pueblo

During my 6 days stay in Manchester, England, I have visited three
beautiful townships outside of the city limit. Marsden is one of two
cities which I have visited twice, the other one is Marple. There is a
spring festival at town called Cuckoo Festival which drives me back.

I met a lady at a church who recommended come back on the next
morning for the festival and I didn’t mind to re-visit the unit and lovely
town. It was a raining day, cold and miserable. I went to the church to
attend the early activities, art shows of three painters, singing and
dancing groups, etc. They were all the local performers. After finishing
their performance at the church, they moved outside to several places
at the city center. There was a dog right by a creek and playing with
fishes and made some noise and I wondered if the owner was absent
because that was almost freezing.

Inside the city library, there was a group of instruments players line up
Seated to ply some popular songs to entertain full auditorium crowds
and selling foods to the audients. It was raining and miserable outside.
I also visited another church closed to the abandoned factory, a mountain
rescue team showed the equipment and also another children performers
presented a show inside the church. I decided to go back to the canal and
walked back toward the canal museum and the tunnel.

I missed my lost leather gloves at my last cruise. I forgot to check drawers
in the stateroom and left there. The wool pairs didn’t make me feel warm
enough. I walked back to the train station and further on another direction.
Even though that was in rain, I still felt very fortunate to visit the lovely
town twice. It always reminds me a classical piece of Chinese literature about
a paradise of a peach glove somewhere deep outside of the civilization and
the local residents keep their old tradition cloths and life style, etc. generation
after generation. I am amazed that Close is used as a street after the name of.

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